7 oct 2011

chica rubia sobre rojo

chica retro rubia

Tamaño de imagen: 734 x 950, clica sobre ella para verla en su forma real.
Click to enlarge
Blonde girl
A very beautiful retro girl :-)

Otro hermoso trabajo de Art Frahm. Le he añadido unos adornos enlas esquinas.
Another beautiful painting by Art Frahm, I adde some ornaments in the corners.

5 comentarios:

  1. Smuk kvinde, næsten lige så smuk som Marilyn Monroe. v.h. morkaren.

  2. It's so wonderful....my compliments Ana.

    Hugs, Joop

  3. hi ana,
    your blog is SO beautiful and interasting for me.now I'm a follower!!!
    the pictures are so fine, I love
    pin up's *g*

  4. Thanks, Margit, I hope can make some work about pin ups very soon, God willing. Keep in touch! :-) Hugs.


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