7 ene 2012

La serenata. Federico Andreotti

escena vintage de Federico Andreotti

 Alta resolución 1020 x 754 píxeles. Clica para agrandarla.
Click over to enlarge it.

Otra bella imagen de época :-) Espero que os guste. 

Blogger sigue de reformas. Todos los días me encuentro una sorpresita :-) Parece que hoy había problemas para abrir la imagen. Ya está  soluciondado. Por ahora! :-D

"La serenata" de Federico Adreotti.

"The serenade" by Federico Andreotti

9 comentarios:

  1. Skønt billede om sydens romantik. v.h. morkaren.

  2. Thanks for your visit, Morkaren :-) Kiss!

  3. Ana, thank you so very much fo visiting me, and for leaving me such a very nice comment. I appreciate that.

    Ana, I have browsed your blog and it's beautiful, and you have the most beautiful vintage images. I would be delighted to come back to choose any of them when I do a project worthy of them -- lol!!!

    I do hope you'll come back to visit me again as you'll always be welcome!

    I'll be back again to visit.


  4. Ana. Encantada de conocerte. Muchísimas gracias por tu visita. Ahora mismo me voy a pasear por tu blog.

  5. Hola, me encanta tublog, quiza con tu permiso , me lleve alguna foto vintage para mi scrap, si quiereas pasa por el mio y veras lo que hago y una web que te puede interesar.
    un abrazo

  6. no puedo cargar tu imagen de blog para ponerla en un gadget en mi blog, porfavor, enviamelo a mi correo
    esthernvbcn@yahoo.es, soy de Barcelona España, es que no veo de donde es tu perfil

  7. I came back to make sure I was following you, my friend!

    Hugs! I'll be seeing you!

    P.S. Don't apologize for your English. I've know people who were born and breed here in the U.S. and I can understand you better than some of them...lol!!!

  8. Ouuu! I'm so glad to heard-read it, Audrey, haha X-DD Well, I also know Spanish people that I don't understand nothing hahaha. Oh, you're so amusing :-) I'm so glad to meet you, dear. We be in contact!! Kisses!!

    Muchísimas gracias a todas!! :-) besitos/kisses to everyone.

  9. Oh, so precious! How beautiful to be serenaded like that.


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I will be very happy if you leave me a little word :-)

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