
Imágenes vintage y retro imprimibles y en alta definición para vuestros trabajos de scrapbooking y decoupage.

Vintage images in high resolution and png archives to your crafts or digital collages.

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Only for personal use /Sólo para uso personal

"Acerca del blog y las imágenes"

31 jul 2011

Anuncio retro

anuncio retroChicas felices :-)
How to be happy in the morning :-)
Un antiguo anuncio ideal para usar en trabajos de scrap.

Clic para angrandar
Click to enlarge

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

This makes me smile! It is so adorable plus I need to read it for I am not a morning person! Hugs to you, my sweet friend.

Ana Márquez dijo...

I'm glad to know that you like it, Mina, I adore these kind of old ads, so naives, when I see them, I always think: "but, did someone believe this?" :-) Anyway, the illustrations was so lovely! A kiss for you, dear Mina, from Europe.

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